A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson.
I got tricked into buying a garbage boat in B.C. does anyone have any advice?
Nitecore UMS2 question.
I really do not understand the hate that the Honda Rebel 250 gets
1 lure for rest of your life. What do you choose?
Can someone help me I can't get the life of me get a pike to bite do I have the rong lures
How much would it cost to build a boat like this?
Indian scholar at Columbia University Ranjani Srinivasan self-deports after visa revocation, accused of supporting Hamas
Throttle control
My neighbor swapped their broken trashcan with ours.
Looking for romance movie recommendations that men might actually enjoy
Scifi must reads?
What is the best beginner bike?
Favorite post apocalyptic movies?
There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth… and that breaks my brain
Just bought a boat, now we need a playlist!
What's a good comedy movie to watch. (Not Tasteful)
Looking for sports movie recommendations
This person at my train station parking lot who parks like this every day
A Stag Holding His Ground
Quirky name that starts with an M for a boy
Too sick to go to work today which means no money to feed my family so I have to go catch dinner :(
Someone hide airtag in my motorcycle
What do you think?