Best song?
I really do not understand the hate that the Honda Rebel 250 gets
98αρα βενζίνη , τι παίζει με τους υπαλλήλους;;;
Is yawning a common trigger?
Έχω απογοητευτεί με την μηχανή μου.
Laura Cayouette
Why you get the cold during cold weather
Sam and Dean's Everyday Life
Have you had any friendly/brotherly/sisterly relationships in your life that have a lot of similarities to Sam and Dean's relationship of brotherly love?
Tia Texada
Analysis of Sam and Dean's Fighting Style pt.2
Analysis of Sam and Dean's Fighting Style
Anyone else feel like they're addicted to shaving their facial hair
Characters from the movie Rounders (1998) ranked by their poker skill level
Πόσα βγάζετε τον μήνα και τι δουλειά κάνετε; Παρακαλώ όσοι μένουν και δουλεύουν Ελλάδα.
Need help deciding between Braun Series 3 and 5
Ρόδος: Ολλανδοί τουρίστες έκλεψαν ελληνική σημαία και έγραψαν υβριστικά συνθήματα
How often do you typically replace a blade?
What do you like about rock music?
Electric Shaver Questions
what are some perfect no-skip albums for you?
What do you guys do before you shave with an electeic razor and do you go against the grain?
Όσοι υποστηρίζεται την Ρωσία του Πούτιν και οτι αυτή πρεσβεύει, λυπάμαι αλλά δεν ξέρετε τι σας γίνεται
Which would be better for an elderly gentleman--a rotary shaver or a foil shaver?
foil shaver- what's your favorite?