Which bike is best for beginners?
What is the best beginner bike?
Survey Girl Again
Do you allow birds on the patio?
alright which one of my coworkers ruined this for everyone
86 ed a guy for disrespectful comments
My Jenga Roll-Up Tower Record. 16 Rows
What Does “No Cum” Mean?!
Worst I’ve seen so far
Which seat you taking?
What would you call this band?
this table that tipped me 14 cents.
Just eat the damn food
what song is she singing?
How long until you mastered this?
Creating their own menu
Valentines bingo suggestions!!
Time Off Request Denied
I keep my apron at work. Someone used my apron, and there was five dollars in it. I think someone rented my apron.
Fazendo Quest com o brother, qual é a espécie?
Coworker got this note today
100% done
what is this? (wrong answers only)
A decision was made