Some Pokémon I wish Game Freak gave something in the future.
what capcom character does you whant in marvel rivals as guest(question)
I made a little leafeon!
Does anyone have any insight into which games are included in the upcoming Capcom Key Art Catalog?
Who would be a good rival for Mega Man.EXE?
Favourite Pokemon
My MvC4 Roster
I did my Mario Kart dream roster.
My MvC dream roster + free template.
Say something nice about Mario.
MvC Blackheart Custom
Never made an MvC4 roster with my own template, so here's my (super biased) roster
What are your favorite Hyper Combos from the series? These are mine:
Between Ruby Heart, Son Son and Amingo, which of them do you think would have the most potential for their own game?
Which boss from the Luigi mansion series other then king Boo do you think would be added to the new Mario Kart?
"I got my game design degree from youtube" energy
My Roster Idea for a Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom 2:
If you could ask one thing to the Mario kart devs for them to add what would it be?
Capcom vs... Who?
Which of the characters not in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe do you want most in Mario Kart 9? (Not including characters from the arcade games or Tour's alternate costumes)
Now that Capcom is reviving dead IPs, it's time to bring back these gems!
Which character from Knights of the Round would you like to see as a newcomer?
If Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 were to be re-released today with new content, what new characters and features would you add?
Coming up with intro dialogue until Capcom announces a new game. Day 84: Sentry.
MvC4, last day of base game. Top 2 newcomers per side get in. Good luck!