Are anyone’s left temple very tender to the touch like they have a bruise?
My student's drawings of Luce
I was told you all would love my Lola
The last thing you ate and your favorite color is his name
In my 14 years of knowing him this is the first time he climbed on me like this!
a lot of people liked my bat in my last post, so i wanted to show off the rest of them!! do you have any special bat plushies? i’d love to see them :)
My only meaningful tattoo in my mums handwriting and the tattooer in a legit shop scarred me so bad
What's something you do purely for enjoyment?
Dear 30+ year olds with autism... how are you not dead?
what‘s your favorite pokemon and why?
My fellow sensory-sensitive folks - what is one popular food that you CAN'T STAND the texture of?
Share a pic of your black kitty and make the world happier 🌎🖤🐾
Millennials have the biggest photographic black hole in modern history
Tell me ur autistic without actually telling me ur autistic. I'll go first
Doc said pregnancy will cure my migraines...
If you were able to do anything to earn a living, what would you do?
Having small boobs fucking sucks
Favorite unconventional or werid smell?
Do you bring a bag everywhere? (and what do you bring?)
Millennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
Why does everyone seem to hate fishing?
Sick of people saying that autism doesn't affect life expectancy
Who’s been your role model since your childhood?
Babies with pierced ears