According to a Korean interview, CoTW will have more guess characters after Season 1, and an AI clone system
Eu tenho autismo nivel 2 de suporte
Eu jogo com o chat desabilitado, não digito nada há meses e parece que nem isso é o suficiente
this game need to succed to turn the other fighting games free to play
What is it that makes Marvel Rivals so addicting?
any toh fan already watched that dreamworks movie the prince of egypt?
alguem já viu esse filme da dreamworks?
alguem já viu esse filmaço da dreamworks?
The King of Rosters: Round 2: Look at all these teams that have filled up the roster! Again, each person gets a team and it’s YOUR favorite video game characters
The King of Rosters: Round 1: A KOF style fighting game between video game teams, whoever’s team gets in will be put into the roster! Let’s see what y’all got!
My take on the Rivals Roster! Love it? Hate it?
se o xbox vai receber TODOS OS LAUNCHERS PRA PC nós do pc deveriamos receber toda a biblioteca do xbox é um troca troca maneiro
Novo Xbox pode ter integração com o Steam e outras plataformas para PC se isso for verdade o pc tambem terá integração nativa com xbox
league of legends tá perdendo jogadores por causa do vanguard
riot games is loosing players in league of legends due to vanguard man what sad for who in some time ago had milions of players
O que fez as ações da Ubisoft ficarem positivas hoje?
2XKO Build Possibly Leaked
Tom Henderson: Several Builds of Unreleased Games Are Leaking (Riots 2XKO, Killing Floor 3, PLAYERUNKNOWN Prologue, Arc Raiders & Delta Force)
i said fighting games should be free to play but they called me mad there the result
Man oh man
Tem mais de 8 mil personagens para escolher em 86 anos de história, mas Marvel Rivals terá crossovers no estilo Fortnite
Marvel Rivals on Steam a free to play marvel game
Marvel Rivals on Steam a awsome marvel game
Marvel Rivals on Steam esse jogo gratuito tem o rocket raccon jogavel