Is it socially acceptable to be turned on at pictures of your S/O from their teen years (when you first met) regardless of passage of time?
Non traditional omegaverse
deleted fic (?
Help I guess.
funniest fics
Underrated gems 💎
How are propensity score analysis and control variables connected?
What’s your favorite weird fact to tell people at parties?
Lost fic
Does anyone know this fanfic?
Fanfic idea - you don’t think you deserve to be loved
What tags do you automatically NOPE out of no matter how interesting the summary is to you?
AITA for watching my daughter's boyfriend die, because he's too dumb to wear a coat
I hate it, why does it look so dead?
I'm not sure love is real
looking for fic recs
What’s something so obviously fake that people still fall for every day?
I wish we could get statistics on our own lives
What's more annoying while walking? Rain or Wind?
Why do we nod our heads for "yes" and shake them for "no"? Is this universal across all cultures?
What's a good insult you heard without curse words?
Why do most men prefer women with long hair?
Not speaking to my bestfriend of 10 years because she said she’s “icked” by me
I just love the transition to a solid f you 🥹🖤 please let’s see all the disapproving purr purrs!
What’s one habit people think is normal but you find secretly disgusting?