Please help. My dad never talked about his time in Vietnam. All I know for sure was he was with Co E 51st infantry LRP and later with the 552nd MP Co. Anything you could tell me would be appreciated.
My grandfather just passed and I took a road trip to pick up his belongings
View off my deck right now
Restaurant options for birthday girl with ADHD please?
Win stupid prizes
Don’t do a wheelie with a motorcycle
Interesting find that popped up on marketplace
21F Roast me // do I go blonde again???
Eighth Air Force dioramas
Russian street interviews: Is the sacrifice for the Ukraine war really worth it?
How do I know if my Princes Diana is the rare one?
Tonight a man knocked out a gate agent at IAD
Dad doesn’t talk about his service much. What do these mean?
Lombardy & Broad accident
Why was Yoda afraid of 7?
What am I? "I appear in ..."
We have a bunch of beautiful toy soldiers coming up in a Militaria Auction on Sunday 3/16. Find out more (if you wish) at (These are just a few of the lots!)
My grandpa. RASC WWII
My grandfather’s WWII British Military Identity Card.
Mike rutLedge
Realistic toy guns of the 80-90 s and playing War with friends p
My Paternal Grandfather (RN), Maternal Grandfather (RAF), and Maternal Grandmother's (WAAF) medals
Does anyone know how to make or how to get one of these
Father died when I was 11. Can anyone tell me what he was involved with? These are the only pictures I have.
Always wanted to know pops history
What are the planes that hold the props?