Arjuna after Shree Krishna ji says this to him: Ayein?
Maa Durga being the Supreme Mother in a cute way. Joy Maa Durga
Maa Radharani on Holi
Maa to Maa hi hoti hai, aur Maa Durga to poori Brahmaand ki Maa hai. Jai Maa Durga
Guru Nanak ji when he went to Puri, Orissa
How can this narrative be countered from a Christian perspective?
When you buy a cat from Gotham
Jai Hind Doston
"But Andy, what will vengeance solve?" "If anyone knows the answer to that, it's you Bruce"- Batman Animated Series
How did Japan's Samurai reconcile their warrior nature with Buddhism? It is said that many of them were Buddhists, especially adhering to the Zen branch of it
Bollywood and its never ending stereotypical portrayal. What other instances you can think of?
This is the definitive "I'm Batman" moment for me
What historical eras would you like to see an adaptation of Batman in?
I find that Dan Mora's depiction of Bruce Wayne is the most common image that comes to mind for many when they picture him. What could the reasons be?
A Pirates of the Carribean style adaptation on the Batman would actually be interesting
Alan Ritchson when he's asked if he's playing Batman in the DCU
Heath Ledger posthumously being awarded the 2009 Oscar of Best Supporting Actor for his role as the Joker in Nolan's "The Dark Knight"
Would Bruce Wayne make a good Agent 007 of the MI6?
Bhagwan Shivji does not see the size of the offering, he sees the size of the devotee's devotion who offers it
The Pandavas meeting each other for a brief time in Naraka was a literal "Even you are stuck here" moment
What is your favourite "I'm Batman" moment
"That voice kept calling me Bruce. In my mind, that's not what I call myself." -Batman
Keaton's Batman had some crazy neck movements
Shree Narasimha ji trolling Hiranyakashyap
Here's the calmer version, the real one would burn up all of existence. Har Har Mahadev