[PRE] (Prearranged loan with u/Mista_rag3r), ($20 to borrow, pay back $25 Thursday 3/20), (Paypal Goods and Services)
Is ikea worth the hype?
I’m not sure if this person actually likes me?
AIW for moving child away from unfit mother
AITAH for embarrassing my husband's coworker for embarrassing me and my husband?
AIO for telling the Mormon guy down the road that he makes me uncomfortable, is inappropriate, and to leave me the hell alone
Once upon a ballet curriculum?
No, I was giving up my seat for you, not your grandchild.
AIW for being Regina George and excluding my sister in law ?
Do you love your NKs?
Update :AITA for refusing to let my mother-in-law hold my baby after she told my husband to get a paternity test?
Alcoholic Bf of 6 years cheated and impregnated his coworker, now he’s marrying her instead.
AITAH for backing bags and leaving MILs house with baby
Is anybody renting a room out in the area?
Update - AITA For Wanting To Break Up With My GF Because I Was A Dare-Date?
What’s your favourite Ava moment?
Having a nanny is a luxury. Pay accordingly
Thanks I guess?
pretty sure my bosses are planning on letting me go
AITA for telling my Sister-In-Law to get out of my daughter’s baby shower?
Coworker sent list of going away gift ideas..
Am I wrong here? My girlfriend owes me $3,000 and I don't feel good about the conversation we just had about it.
AITA for refusing to give my pregnant ex-fiancée money after she left me for another man?
AITA for paying for my son's wedding but not my stepdaughters?
Am I wrong for acting lazy on my last day of work because my coworker went nuts on me?