My Walter being a ham.
Best Asian food
For those of you who are shopping for just 2 (or so) people, what do you usually buy?
Nostalgia post: If there was one product you wish Costco would bring back from a previous era, what would it be?
Health Department
How do you get out of the shower while on your period?
Small businesses for everyday household items?
Ice Cream Truck
Lets ignore North America, what else is happening around the world that people don't know about?
Restaurants that refuse to split the bill are lazy and annoying.
Thoughts on the Cushion Lab?
Pro-Trump & MAGA restaurants to avoid
Open casket funerals are traumatizing.
Non-profit salaries
Any fans of the Lowdown or other "different" chacos styles?
Just my thoughts on living with steatocystoma multiplex
WFW unite!
Survey for High speed rails
Me: an asexual Also me:
Do American/British people really use each other's names in conversations constantly?
Is there any local bluegrass bands? Or any good bluegrass bands playing this summer?
Do you think my dog is full Boxer?
Half off Bombas socks and undies
LPT: want to be courteous to workers in your home? Make sure they know it's okay to use your restroom. If they are working on different houses all day it can be awkward and hard to find a restroom to use, especially in the city.
GMA Deal: half off Bombas socks and undies