Did they just remove all the cool nitro walls in the latest patch ??
How do you say "fuck off" in your language?
Where are the bots you guys are talking about?
Player numbers after 10 days
Felt nostalgic. Haven't been back since Vykas, hope y'all doing well!
What are people actually playing?
Who else misses launchers like this? They have a lot of personality and charm
The best scene from all episodes is still the mom/kid carjacking!
Wtf is wrong with the sound of this game?
I just started the game and when i pulled i got these. Is this normal or am I just really lucky
Pořád prdí...
‘REACHER’ season 3 has amassed 54.6M viewers so far, making it the most-watched returning season of a TV show ever on Prime Video.
Nope, I’d burn the house down…
Urológ mi dal termín na 22:00. Čo si o tom mám myslieť?
I’ve never put this many hours into a game this fast. So fun
Shoutout to the devs for making an Unreal Engine 5 game that doesn't run like garbage
Trying to deboard a train
this is ridiculous 🫠
I just realized
Not even 3 days and in-game chat is like this..
People being upset AGS is permabanning chaos botters
I was expecting another card pack, pleasantly disappointed
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