Best full-length joggers for tall women?
Has someone assumed you were ace?
What Joni Mitchell song are y’all playing?
What song are y’all playing?
JM Song Hot-Takes
What would you say are the catchiest Joni Mitchell songs
Brides: what shoes are we wearing?
Getting a dress secondhand / online
Late bloomers, how did you eventually find your partner?
dumb question: have any of you ever wanted to start a family/have kids/etc. with someone?
Piano student had an injury and is unable to sit at the piano
What is your cardinal symptom that you need to rest?
Turning down a smear test
USPS says my package is held at the post office but it’s not (stuck in processing)
What to get my first boyfriend for Christmas
What age did you feel your most physically beautiful?
what taylor swift song are you most thankful for this year!?!
I’m in a secure relationship for the first time ever
I’m convinced 6’2 is the perfect height
What is the Taylor Swift song that you see as ‘your’ song?
Owners lied on their review
Other artists who speak to you in a similar way to Taylor
Anxiety/fear in relationship
He looks dead but just derpy
What made you pick your cat at the shelter?
What is one Musical theatre song that you cannot listen to without singing along? The song that you would undoubtedly lose at if it was in a try not to sing challenge