Joseph Quinn & Doja Cat
[Scotland] who’s this guy?
Little Miss Pity Party
How old are we?
wrestling is not for you to be a creep
Things you *hate* in horror movies?
If her WWE doesn’t work she can still go for a one woman show
Does Hayden have a bf?? Who is this??
Any traps you could genuinely get out of?
Anybody else see similarities between Wrong Turn 4 & the first game?
My fan art of outlast!
the entire heretics mine sequence.
Belle is settling in 💙
What part of the games REALLY scared you?
If you could write the plot for the next game, what would it be?
What specific scene in a movie was too much too handle and made you immediately stop watching?
what is she yappin about
Horror media that would make good movies?
Meet Charlie. Our most photogenic family member.
Are there any horror movies you’d consider a red flag?
Sarah defends her use of the t-slur! (And admits to stealing!?)
What’s the best horror film you’ve seen in cinema?
Ever lost sleep over horror?
Ok, can someone spoil *that* scene from Bone Tomahawk?
How do you consider Silent Hill as a movie?