2010 Remake Freddy is MADE to be hated, which Slasher Killer is the HOT one?
MEGATHREAD: Accusations Against Joe Gatto
Pick one the rest are deleted from history
They don’t go bad or stink or nothing
Where did Virginia and Clint's wedding take place?
The Class (2006)
March 30 - April 2 2025
Does this count?
What is the best slasher to come out of 1984 in your opinion?
It’s time to call bullshit
Everyone loves it… except you. What’s the most overrated movie?
Unpopular opinion
Does anyone else get really hyped when they play Murder Train in an episode?
Definitely feels like deliberate 80s type of counter programming by WWE in 2025
If you could make it 1997 again what would your life be like? Bonus points for using quotes from the show.
What’s the best slasher from 1983 to y’all?
Dashcam: Most unlikable protagonist of all the found footage movies?
DAE Predatory loaner/podcaster/Son in Law/Just a Wrestling fan calling out the evil Fed!! AEdub fans rejoicing at this burn!
How DARE the Fed coming to the Dub's turf and trying to drive away tickets from All-In?! Don't look at the distance between the cities.
What GTA Radio song is this
DAE "you people" heel promos are lazy??
Pool scene foreshadowing? (S3 E5: Full Moon Party)
The Righteous Gemstones cast have been banned from all future episodes of Collision
The War at Home (2005-2007)
Die Cena Die? No! That's German for "The Cena, The"