Kamen Rider Female Characters - Birthday Game
God I love Suga so much. His whole chilling, nonchalant scientist vibe is just so god damn attractive. Peak Gavv HUSBANDO!
Where is Hanto?
I would let Glotta ruin me
What are some of your favorite screencaps? Could be funny or just something that looks cool
Which voice option for Cross will you guys use?
Does anyone know what season this meme came from? I found it on TV Tropes but it the image doesn’t link to what season it came from
Give him a kamen rider name😂
Give him a Superhero name😂
I know her... Oh no
New Kamen Rider Trademark Thread
Geeky Glotta
What the hell they are doing with lakia!and more importantly what's this leg position 💀
who do y'all think the hottest rider is?
Most memeable Reiwa series?
Which Kamen Rider character do you consider an Underdog?
I know Nazuna is the main character and all but I wish Akira got more story time. Just a waste of an impregnation worthy character design.
could i watch gozyuger as my first sentai?
Is overwatch on steam up?
You can't tell me the new Pokemon Legends ZA Battle UI doesn't look like Xenoblade
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Why they put a random diamond on my team in a top 100 lobby 😭
Gavvalen say gex(credit goes to nanakoblaze)
What do you think is the most useless thing in Danganronpa?