If you hadn’t become a teacher, what other career do you think you would have pursued instead?
They came. And I nearly did too.
19F Make me cry
Name One!
Therapists say their clients are struggling to come to terms with Donald Trump's return
Just adopted this blue beauty. Needing a name for her starting with "i"
Risky Business (1983)
Give me something to laugh at.
What tv show you watched as a teenager and loved it but can't stand it now, later in life?
Do you know someone who belongs here?
26 F. Roast me!
MSNBC Viewership Craters 38%, CNN 27%, While Fox News Audience Jumps 41% Post-Election
If you could have 1 song play to all 8 billion people on this planet, what song would you choose?
Bullet stopped by books
Does Anybody Else Experience Goalie Nightmares?
What's a movie everyone raves about but you just don't like?
This election is making me feel awful…
The US Election is making my anxiety explode, but here's a helpful natural relaxant.
Good Deal?
What show hooked you on the first episode?
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Failed a high school senior right before graduation and don't regret it.
What is something that everyone loves to eat, but disgusts you?
Student Said We Were "NPCs"
conservative swifties are so embarrassing