Re: Perseus website
What is your favorite Illiad translation, and how much Greek do you know?
The Iliad and the Odyssey in modern English?
Best Odyssey translation for teens
What is the best book of the Iliad and the Odyssey (And I mean the 2 in 1 book)
An observation by my pupil about verbs with a perfect in -u.
Pompeii: A Frescoed Room with Initiation to the Mysteries and Dionysian Procession Emerges (scroll to the bottom for pictures)
A Frescoed Room with Initiation to the Mysteries and Dionysian Procession Emerges (scroll to the bottom)
Iliad and Odyssey Translation
Are there any indications about the actual musical value of pitch?
Life after LLPSI... What Next?
Online resources for learning Koine Greek
a question about The Odyssey and The Iliad collins classic
Translation mistake (?) in Mary Beard’s new Emperor of Rome
Can you help with the meaning?
Is the subreddit icon St Ignatius?
Malicious Compliance in the Exempla of Jacques de Vitry
"Quis" instead of "quibus" in Sallustius. Could someone tell me more about this form?
What to listen to, to learn Latin as I jog?
could someone explain me how "quom" (or "quum") ended up as "cum"?
Is there a comprehensive list on all the different cultural traditions and fields of study in classical era?
I wrote a haiku in Latin, how did I do?
2nd foot of this hemiepes: SEMITA VIRTUS AGAT
is there a version of the odyssey and Iliad suitable for me