Jodie has four legs but one of her legs disappeared into the fluff
Well well well
When our orange is bad, we put him in his "costume"
sesungguhnya aku sedang berpuasa
The comments people wrote to harass her are truly disgusting
Aptly put by Zahir on RLB. You are supposed to lower your gaze. If you still have problem with her past, that’s a YOU problem.
What cat breed is this?
I’m 21, a top student, but my strict mom won’t let me travel
Can i see the litters you kept together?
This cat needs another cat 😭🤣
This cat needs another cat 😭😹
Man who slapped non-Muslim gets DNAA after claiming trial
double engine
Benito has a complaint
Name a more iconic pose, i dare ya
The first object on your right would be this cat's name
Only in Dota you can witness this level of coordination
2 case old people assaulting youngins already time bulan puasa. If cannot tahan puasa, dont puasa la dei.
Sarawakian student physically harassed by unknown man in Johor for not fasting during Ramadan despite being non-Muslim
Tippy toe kanks
[ Removed by Reddit ]
AXE DUNK Rampage
IIUM Student Union uses fireworks (as advised by uni security) to deter dogs, leading to serious burn marks after minimal action by MPS. Then plans a Legal talk on animal rights days after. Links in description
Does girl like this exist?
Jangan lupa gosok pussy