What was the last mainstream band where the most iconic figure was NOT the lead singer?
What do you do if you only have Mobilize and Construction in hand, but no ressources?
Any wishes for the expansion?
Stormscale Scion vs. Elemental Eruption
Day 35 - Share Your: Green 5+ Mana Creatures
New card names you can't believe haven't been used before
Tips for returning player
The Black Tower
Yep, the Show writers really captured the essence of the books…
The show
Beginner in Cube. Is there any recs for 4 people cube that is cheap? Preferible not pauper but open to it
About what percentage of your cube is removal?
Wash Out - custom improvement
Updated Wash Out
Cubing with commander players
"Nuh Uh! Manabox Says It's A 3!"
What are weak/average cards that would be cube-able with a slight tweak?
Surgical Metamorph vs Phyrexian Metamorph?
Funky Cube Lists? Omniscience/etc?
Speculation: Changing Perrin's Story in the Two Rivers
Smooth as Silk
Does anyone else think the show is pretty bad?
Am I cooked?
How many books/series do you typically read at a time?
I just finished Eye of the World; I’m retroactively mad about the TV show