The White Lotus - 3x06 "Denials" - Episode Discussion
Where would you choose for the next White Lotus location?
How did Trump's presidency impact your life so far?
anyone feel like they were playing into the british stereotype when he says: “nice teeth” then “where are u from” and she responds “i’m from the UK” 😭 anyways.. she’s my fave this season .. absolute babe with a hidden shock factor..,
Is Leo still the hottest man the show has known? I remember my jaw literally dropping at the pool scene.
POV: Darrow checking his Data Pad messages.
This should be entertaining
I'll never forgive Warner for shelving this film
I didn't mind the paradigm shifting
What actor do you think we are being forced feed to accept as a Leading Man o Lady?
Who’s the first person you think of when seeing this?
Series hot takes?
In your opinion what's the greatest film of 2005?
What would you make uncanon?
Why were they never able to become as big as the Khans?
If the World was told there was a 25% chance that the Earth would be destroyed in 30 days, what do you expect the reaction to be?
What don’t you want to see in red god?
Does the Muslim youth of the country need a Progressive Leader?
What film is this for you?
What is a tv show that has ended, but holds up to this day?
What is the best movie for J?
Star wars The clone wars had a Bad beginning but gets a Lot better, next which show started ok and The ending was great
The best Chapter in LB
What’s the longest movie you’ve ever watched?