So is nyc a dead zone for rosin
All day
Yall newgens never poured a tre in lean beer float, have you?
Just purchased 7Oh(actual pill) for the first time from this website. (dont do it) lets see what this shit feels like.
I start my training at dollar general tomorrow any tips ?
new too smokedope need song recs
phreshboyswag stuns n looks healthier than everr
Valid or nah gang?
Are these legit?
How’s this sub feel about T3?
road trip gummies
7oh + cocaine. Has anyone tried this combo?
Does anyone else think something like this might go hard as a shed single/album cover?
what’s the most underrated song on the peak?? 🏔️
Nice lil scores from last few weeks
what did y'all get from the drop?
7Oh Brews 😴
wha yall chillin on tn
Best shows/movies/podcast for nodding to?
Opiates vs Benzos, whats more addictive?
has no one ever mentioned that ricky chix looking like ronnie radke
7oh brew ( not pharma rep)
What else are y’all listening to right now?
justin bieber looks like he’s gonna sell me a pressed xan but tell me it’s 100 percent real he just came out the pharm
outta rehab