My review of "Manic Pixie Egirl" by Nate Lemcke
Kinksters realizing that *surprise surprise* their kinks stemmed from trauma
R/ FuckToyFactory
as a survivor of CSA, i'm devastated by the kink community
No one is buying pictures or soiled garments from you. If they say they will, they are lying.
what is this white stuff in my cart
Biggus Dickus tw:sa
They’re so quick to scream kink shaming while not once considering why the other person is horrified at what they’re are engaging in
they respond better to being called corny than when you point out the abuse in their community 🤦
I support trans people, but seriously?, girlcock?, gock?, girldick?, women with balls???, that's just ridiculous, be fucking fr, I'm an ally but this is too much
BDSM is colonizer trash
T4T relationships are a myth created to protect transgender ideology
white peach summer edition is SO TASTY
Please Anthony fantano review October country make it blow up Anthony
This is how you guys sound like
Enough time has passed. October Country >>> I AM MID
if you could create a red bull with any flavor you want, which flavor would you pick?
How do I tell if my transgender is real?
Best candy to get over a breakup?
A fall flavor?
So friggin tuff boi 🔥
Just came across R/FuckingFascists and I’m deeply disturbed. How is this shit legal?!
Starting to believe the “subs are in control” narrative is just another way for abusers to avoid accountability
Ghost Mountain
women experiencing “sub drop” and horror over her bf acting out his rape fantasy on her