What area has the worst mosquitos / annoying bugs?
2.62 odds on Labor winning Federal Election
Any young people thinking about just leaving Aus?
Recieved letter saying I had to prove I had voted?
You ever have a shocking and disturbing experience you can't explain
Saved anual leave.
The future of finance
Colt family true identity.
How am I only hearing about the colt family now?
Wow - Just Full Mask-Off Redditphobia
My entire instagram explore page is pornographic.
Ross Ulbricht Pardoned
What are some cities where touristy areas are located very near sketchy areas?
That’s it I’m going back to cash!
Will there ever be any recourse for how we treated Australian's trapped overseas during COVID?
If crypto is incorporated into Australia’s financial system, we will be lucky to avoid contagious collapse
genuinely don’t understand why previously non religious people convert to strict religions
Why isn't this area in Australia more populated?
I understand him