Why can’t I find any of the Racer weapon skins to sell?
Today I learned you can kick people to death
Is anyone else having a battle pass glitch where they level up but don’t get any stars?
Sigma Galactic weapon first person view
What are the melodies you listen to while playing?
See? Bye bye :)
A compilation of my siege experience so far
I finally got a kill with the hammer
"HOT TAKE" Smurfing. Is cheating.
AIO for getting upset from my wife’s response to my question?
Not impressive but my first ace (I started playing 2 weeks ago)
Teammate gadget penalty
I was in the shower and the ghost got the message
I hit the best trick shot of my career and it was a completely panicked accident
My friend got the achievement, we didn’t (none of us are even level 45)
Any idea what the recipe for Carolina gold sauce at Blarney’s is?
Four words people
If you were to REMOVE a state which one would it be. (no genocide guys) :D
Bakery recommendations needed
After living here for a few months - it’s safe to say 90% of drivers don’t know what this sign means.
what better name shall this bread be called?
Decent apartment hunting
How is 2A related to the top part