can anyone else not edit or post characters?
are y'all actracted to curves, chubbiness, not being thin, etc?
does anyone else drink ungodly amounts of a certain thing?
how do y'all feel about bush with no bikini line?
i take back every bad thing ive ever said about hockey players
i havent made friends at my new school and it's already killing me
one foot spin entries
Hayley for the new collection of Good Dye Young
am i actually racist for unintentionally only surrounding myself with light skinned people?
jumping and spinning in different directions
What line did this for you?
I want to get into figure skating/ice skating; where do I start?
i want to kill myself because i ate food
no one in my life cares about me
how do i make friends asap
“You can’t listen to music on your phone” -My school
i crave falling ill, or for something bad to happen to me
I LOOOOOVE eating my gf
why does every school have to do a different language im so done
help with blisters
Is this too much space
is my bridge rejecting or just irritated on one side?
Is my piercing rejecting? HELP PLS
how do i make new friends
my only friends have started making me feel stupid about almost everything i say