Alldaychemist or skinorac?
I DONT WANT TOO, but…. I’m starting to believe Ikechi…
Baddies Africa
We have to be honest about Allen 😔
He did this to me…..
Petition to Remove Rollie from Baddies for Excessive Bullying
do any of y’all have that one celebrity crush that is YOUR exact type? that you’re crazy about looks wise.
Michelle is totally in the right.
Why delete period apps if you can lie?
What's something positive that happened to you recently?
A time when my fellow black women came through for me
To say you’re gonna fight someone EVERYDAY and then proceed to not fight when Big lex calls you out is crazy
Is anyone else trying to figure out many things after this episode?
AITA because I won't delay having a hysterectomy after the birth of my baby so I can be a surrogate for my sister?
Ikechi father kicked him out?!
What’s a TV show that everyone loves but you secretly can’t stand?
Which gf is worse?
Help! my alocasia is blooming but it's being blocked by the leaves.
AITA for Refusing to Let My Brother’s Family Move In After He Evicted Me Years Ago?
Dead ex-husband’s debt collectors keep contacting me (Mississippi)
AITA for leaving my girlfriend at the store after she called me a creepy stalker for attention?
AITA for not eating the meal my boyfriend ordered for me instead of what I asked for because he deemed it “healthier”
Your fave dance moms routine