My (33f) husband (40m) is addicted to steroids, has anyone else had this experience? What was it like?
At the courthouse, filing for a restraining order, custody and divorce. Trying not to fall apart
Considering getting a malinois puppy, have a 7 year old GSD currently
Update- I put my abuser in jail
My husband just choked me in front of the kids.
First thought GO!
I want to keep my kids away from my husband
My husband went to jail, why do I feel so guilty?!
Is it illegal to take money out of husband’s bank account without his consent?
Just found out I’m pregnant yesterday, I’m scared my husband is gonna make it miserable for me
What’s the most terrified you’ve ever been in your life?
Just left my abusive husband. I need advice and support (tw- abuse)
AITA for keeping the kids away from their dad?
AITA for wanting to keep my kids away from their dad?
Suzie's episode 11 look
Scared to go through an abortion
Bob and Monet have had ENOUGH 🤣
I want to leave my husband but I don’t even know where to start
If you can trust in something is The Tuck Dinasty winning a design challenge
this makes the mirror message 10x worse omg
Just found out I was pregnant last night! I just need to tell someone because my husband doesn’t seem to care or wanna talk about it
She really nailed it I’m so proud of her
You can’t blame that on the edit…
The constant pro-life ads on the podcast
Byeeee Jennnnaaaa😭