what would this unit be called
easy masters? o(`ω´ )o
gang i noticed that the people online rn is the same number as the vocaloid producer!!! (why am i doing this lmao)
okay..it took a lot of courage..but heres it is. its not completely finished, but i hope you like it..
Give me a Vocaloid song not in the game and I’ll give you a card!
I present to you Mafuyu made with Mafuyu
(Wrong answers only)
Day 2: Make the comments look like Saki's search history.
Mafuyu's Pretty Eyes
Obsessed with his room
Round 2 -> Who is a good boy/girl but looks like a stressed mess?
Guys what is or are songs you really want in pjsk?
Which one is your favorite out of those?
which characters do you find it impossible to hate? i'll go first
Who is this
Hello everybody it's me, Tsukasa Tenma 🌟! Nene told me about this website about me and my friends! 🙀 It sounded so amazing I came to check it out!
Round 1 -> Who is a good boy or girl and looks like it?
What's a song that's easy to sing?
Choose: A or B?
My friend gave me an idea😭 (not canon)
Poorly describe a character and let others guess!
My friend hates Shizuku
I love when you can tell exactly how a character is feeling just by looking at their face
Post your head-canon for the characters of Project Sekai and I will stamp it on the board!
Post your head-cannon or hot take as a pic and I will stamp it on the board!
Tell me the last book you read and I’ll assign you a Project Sekai character!