How old was your kid when they first hit/kicked you in the balls?
Pediatricians in the Ballard / Greenwood / Phinney area
What secret are you currently hiding from someone that you're willing to share on Reddit?
My husband was declined for my auto loan
Who is the most famous person that you've been within 50 feet of?
I was today years old when i learned keys highlight the door they belong to
Celebrity Passengers
Fireworks/bombs going off right now near seattle?
Austin, TX residents don’t like us and see Seattle as “competition”?
Order Email Megathread (May 26, 2022)
Order Email Megathread (May 23, 2022)
Order Email Megathread (May 16, 2022)
Say a company was given $1 million in seed funding, what is the ideal duration for that money to last?