Should i change my care coordinator and my doctors?
Fear of getting older with this condition.
What do you put in your dancer bag?
Where can I get foot wraps?
Where do I go to sign up for track and field as an adult?
How do I make time to do a hobby?
Should I force myself to do a hobby?
Sleep test came back negative for narcolepsy.what to do?
Scared to try new things
Feeling like a failure for not doing anything in my life.
Parathyroid hormone is high.
Can’t stop eating
Any dance stores in nyc that do shoe fitting for wide feet?
Does anyone else feel like being an adult is hard work?
16th birthday is coming up? what type of car should she get? 😊
How do I start a hobby?
I am conflicted on this situation
I am conflicted
Plus size dancewear
Prolactin level is high
Para thyroid hormone is high and vitamin d is low
Pcos and thyroid