I roasted my friend a little too hard
Scientists salary in india
What tf is wrong with Aman ??
The scientific miracles of Islam...
She is a topper
Mamata Banerjee हिंदू है? 🤔
To the purple coloured dude
more chase brainrot
Why there are so mistakes in CMA module.. ( Foundation )
What's your new nick name
Mera Yeshu Yeshu
Drop your favorite actor to portray Miles Morales in live action, I start with literally me
Rupee Logo changed - ₹ replaced by ரூ
Driving from wrong side and no helmet and his wordings "I have lot of time, I will not move, you do whatever you want"
Funny how people of "certain dietary choices" take a jab at others for theirs, and then get butthurt when facing backlash. Moral policing others won't get you anything.
Mission failed Successfully
How Bollywood sees Bengali women
Aur inko Kashmir chahye
Hai koi Sher...??
Going home after boards! 🫶
Appreciate !!
Thoughts on This Uncle Ji ??
Regarding exam form