Learning a chord
Ive been playing for 2.5 yrs and im trying to learn liebestraume no.3 and someone help me with this section?🙏🏾
UI animation bug?
S24 Ultra....Concerns 🥲
What is something you've always wanted to try in sex but have never tried?
Secure S24U while in youth hostel (notification or?)
Worth item to buy?
Samsung again disabled burn-in protection
Disabling Quick Settings Panel
What do yall do with 5star equipment?
Am i doing something wrong? Tetis..
Gentlemen, play the same D note on both hands? 🧐
Random mini orgasm?
Atk% or element% ?
Piano pedling
What does my painting remind you of?
World clear pass
Any way to do this without unlocking the nightmare?
Should i invest in her?
Anti reflective coating wearing off after a year?
Why Veronica is so much hated? since she and Beth are the same thing, beautiful psychotic freaks, honestly I even prefer Veronica... she has two big reasons,also is cute.
What's the best way to farm ancient chocolate? I only have 6 hours left to get to level 23 to get the green hammer.
Selling s24 ultra
Which anime is the best out of these 4?