All Sponsor sets shown in Teaser
Dr. Disrespect, is that you?
Season 6 Daily Teasers Confirmed!
Crosshair that shows near exact bullet spread of gun. Really useful for shotguns.
AMA with Rob, Gustav, Matt, Mikael, Joakim and more! February 19th, from 18:00-20:00 CET. We're back for another one - Let's talk everything THE FINALS!
Some clarification about the smoke grenades! (Testet in the firing range)
PTSD SpeedRun Bank It
Cerberus is Power
Through your help I now have decided for a sponsor. After careful consideration I now am a new member of Dissun. Will see you in the arena! Power is Power
Nice little demat teamwipe
Hardest kill I’ve ever had to work for
New Gamemode found in game files (no audio, spoilers)
Next World Tour Week found in game files (no audio, spoilers)
Is it just me or what have they done to the model? (More info in comments)
Quality of Life Changes and Suggestions
revolver should get that little extra damage to kill lights with 2 body/1 head shot
Gave cashout a taste of mike Tyson punches
So what I'm getting is... People don't like bank it
new twitch drops soon!
Genuinely, what is the issue with the light class?
Help find friend
Combat Evolved spawns
Embark needs to see this video lol
“This game needs better marketing”:
Befriended entire lobby