No more randoms in the morning
I got high listening the the RDJ album and It was so scary
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
DAE feel like a criminal when they leave a store without buying anything?
how’s your collection looking without spending?
DAE anyone feel like like burning bridges and ending friendships?
What is your conspiracy theory?
I’m off but idk how to feel
Anyone else listen to Aphex Twin at the gym??
Hobbies that have survived the hyper focus burn out test?
DAE just sit in their car?
what other artists do you guys listen to?
DAE house get messy every day for seemingly no reason?
What do people who don't drink or smoke do when they feel depressed?
DAE take 2 hours to get ready?
Why are you single? Do relationships even make sense to you?
Deck to beat Garchomp Ex
What’s the theme song of your life right now?
ADHD friends, what song feels like your theme?
Recipe recommendations!!!??
I think RDJ is dropping an album
As a huge Giratina fan, this set hurts
Is the event not to 45 wins this time?
songs with the color blue in it
Can anybody else still eat beef?