The rescue of America🦅
When you wake up next morning and seeing guys surrounded you...
Best general trainable with SWORDS?(I have only 4 sceptre)
Excuse me while I scream
I finally maxed all the First EF tanks that came to the game
There's an imposter among us
Resource is the king
Trainable Tito n Messe.
Bock or Govorov
F2P gens tier list.
My best general
General setting guidance
What IAPs am I missing
Found the original zhukov image
This battle will be legendary
How do we get this ?
Who should be my next general?I'm thinking a tank general... maybe bastico or weygand... or maybe an artillery or air general
Techbros are gonna have mixed reactions to this one
Government be like …
What the hell is Guderian doing?
Facebook Keeps Suspending My Account for No Reason! Need Helppppppppp
I want to know if there is an APK of the game to get the generals or codes to redeem.