Can concern for morality and moral purity prevent you from being a better less harmful person? Why or why not?
Does anyone ever try to "guess" someones mbti type before they check?
What is your purpose for learning about the enneagram?
How do you respond when someone says God isn’t real?
Kiss, marry, slap or hug
God, you Fe aux/ dom users have made dating so hard for me as an Fi user.
What’s the hardest thing about being you?
If someone gets unwanted attention it means they’re attractive, if yes how so and if no how not?
Saying what they mean:
Objective / Subjective
Trying to give my characters MBTI types
What are your top two functions? Part two.
How do you feel about your appearance?
What Offends Feelers?
what type do you think would make the most compelling villain?
What we gonna do if Dinosaurs will come back on these days?
Why people prefer hotels over Airbnbs?
Confused about my type again
SP types: how do you take insults?
How painful is it severing a finger?
When you see a man with a hoodie when its 90° out do you assume he is a criminal?
People who doesn’t care about beauty standards why?
What’s something everyone does but acts like they don’t?
If you had to choose a career based around the last thing you googled, what would it be?