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Offering: German (native), English (fluent) | Seeking: French
Best bidding strategy for DOOH PMPs in DV360?
Optimization Tips
How would you translate "He's such a character" into French?
Is the benefit of Intermittent Fasting all down to consuming fewer calories? Or do different time intervals have different benefits?
What are some common sequences for developing a personal practice?
Wie findet ihr virtuelle Treffen auf Deutsch (so Richtung
Why are so many areas fenced off by a weird transparent green wall?
Good online book clubs for German speakers?
What are my options for non-custodial staking?
English to Latin translation requests go here!
How did you come to understand and to use it to solve problems? Any resources to recommend?
Is there a good way of remembering when final -s are pronounced in French?
Tracking distance/calories/speed with stationary bike?
Neblio Has Been Acquired!
Digital Out of Home Multipliers
Is there an option to download staking rewards as CSV in any CSPR block explorer?
Anomaly Detection: what is a good approach to use?
Strange token airdropped to my wallet (BMW Metaverse, Dell Metaverse, AC DAO) - are these nefarious?
Mean Housemates Mocked Me For Speaking French
Connection requests from obviously fake profiles - what's the deal with that?
Question for Retroactive users: how do I stop my Mac from opening links in iTunes with the Podcast app, rather than the iTunes app?