Cyprus Expects to Finalise Visa-Free Travel Agreement With US in April
Exit interview for citizenship renounciation
ACCA part-qualified
Why do Americans always dispute free healthcare by saying it will increase wait times when our wait times are already long?
Μία ερώτηση για το Βαν που βγαζει πρόστιμα με φωτογράφια στους αυτοκινητόδρομους
I found the true area limits of Kokkinoxoria
1974 Cypriot Coup D'etat - Chilling Footage of Cyprus on Eve of Turkish Invasion (1974)
EU funding excludes non-EU countries
EU to exclude US, UK & Turkey from €150bn rearmament fund
Current meta
Trump Agrees To Give Back Statue Of Liberty In Exchange For All The Land In France We Liberated In WWII
Why cant i zenkai him?
Me watching the events in Turkey right now
Generally what am I supposed to do
Delivery drivers in Nicosia describe their job
How i can make a complain to skroutz?
He's too hot for me to resist him
You get paid 75K a year but you MUST take good care of an animal I assign to you.
Why do we have to brush our teeth
You get 10k usd monthly if you become a vegetarian for the rest of your life. Yes or no?
My neighbor set his son’s soccer goal up against my fence and the kid dented the hell out of it with missed kicks.
If you had to chose an animal as a sigil for the EU what would it be? Why? And what values would you it to showcase?
Thoughts on what to do with this screw, I just noticed it when I was going to get in the car
How much of you have gone against this beast of a unit (Goku kaioken)