This makes me feel nothing
Dusk Bane
I think D1 faces were a lot better than D2 faces
I am quite fond of D1 poses and think they should be available in D2
Prismatic Supercharged Hunter 3.1 and 3.2
Bungie PLEASE stop making Hunter Armor asymmetrical!!
A.I. creations for Warlock design ideas
We have an armor problem in D2
My Fav drip At the Moment
Anyone else hate this orange square
Armor Collections: The solution
This is what titans should be like
Armor Collections: Factions
On foundry weapons
Armor Collections: Competitive
Spacetime Weft
Armor Collections: Leveling
Semi grounded titan build
Simple Hazardous Propulsion Drip
Armor Collections: Conclusion
What I've been running this season
Armor Collections: Endgame
Armor Collections: Seasonal
Armor Collections: World