What games have been your favorite?
Getting Started
Wanted to start metal gear series from the beginning and asked chatGPT
why do people stop watching after season one?
I beat MGSV
Do you think we'll ever play as venom snake again?
Say something negative about the metal gear series
Is MGS V worth playing?
Who is the most ballin
When Will MGS Collection VOL2 Release?
Hatsune Miku
Video of man chewing and eating fingernails/skin from fingertips (881 Views: 8 likes)
Lunch for 1 hour. Which table are you picking?
Questions regarding Quiet
MGSV is in the bag.
Quiet rain scene?
Who can agree The Boss is bad asf.
Metal gear solid is one of the best games i have ever played
Golden Crescent Farming That Doesn't Suck?
Is there a real-life Bionic Arm that works the same as the one in MGSV?
Who needs reflex mode?
Good Weapons Against Riot Suit Soldiers?
He has what
How would you rank the Metal Gear games?