What would you add to WoA to make it so realistic it’s unfun to play?
Who is your most favourit Bond-Actor that never played Bond?
What is your most common method of killing?
Best map and why ?
it's just an NPC..
What map is this for you
What is a quote from the hitman games that hits hard?
Anyone else look like this too? Don't lie
Worst target ever , took 44 minutes and still failure , getting that winter suit is gon take some time , a few days ago I unlock the imperial classic and I was not that hard just time consuming but this is just kinda unfair I guess >:(
What is the best item(no guns except for darts)
Favourite map from the Trilogy?
How to get this bad boy ?, I want to buy so bad to put it on top of my pc but not even Etsy , Amazon , Ebai sells it 😭
What suit do y’all main/use most in hitman WOA?
What's everyone's favorite voiceline?
This might actually be the worst feeling ever
What do you think about this season ?
In all fairness, two things can be true at once
that’s was hell of a ride 🗣️🚬/NEVER TOUCHING ESCALATIONS AGAIN
Los estados de mi antiguo profesor de tecnología:
Efectivamente, antes llegó a hacer muy buenos videos con sus conjesos y tales, cuando empezó a meterse con las mujeres ya se daba a entender lo mucho que las desprecia y me desuscribí
Which map has the hardest SASO and why?
In ur opinion, what is ur favourite hitman map for freelancer?, specifically the finales.
Anyone else like imperial classic
A Freelancers Favourite Tool
Why did 47's face change so much