Drop the farthest you’ve made it in the new event without fusions
Newest member
iSeriously seemingly teasing Saiyan Day
Looking like we won't get any Saiyan Day Hints till Sunday. (Maybe hope I'm wrong)
The Day is HERE!!! LAST TEST in about 3 Hours!
Goodnight Guys, Last GED Test (Science) Tommarrow.
I feel like brown eyes are under appreciated.
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury
I have had my kitty for a while. But now I feel like her name doesn't suit her. What would you name this kitty?
I am scared
I decided my boy Leo deserves to be on here
How can I get 155 on GED language arts practice test
Crack Theory: instead of Daima what if we get a New SSB Goku for Saiyan day + TEQ GF SuperEza.
I need a pun for onion for a DBZ oc(image unrelated)
How do you guys upkeep your relationships?
My story and my advice.
I'm so Ansty about Tommarrow, last test till GED there's no room for failure.
We should be getting the Saiyan Day hint tomorrow, right?
Saiyan day hint's could start dropping tonight and onwards right?
W.I.P SSGSS Kaioken X10 Goku by me! Still in progress!
Another W.I.P by your's truly. 👀
What is The Gorillaz most majestic song?