Mammilaria Boscana cv Fred. 3 available a. 25. B 35 c. 45 plus shipping. USA only most payments accepted.
Where do you buy your cacti online?
Colored Pencils & Watercolor
ISO L. Fricii
Starter jourdaniana rooted degrafts a. 35 b. 40 c. 45 d.45 + shipping. USA only most payments accepted.
Loph identification?
Texana-orama 3.0. Phat 2 in seed grown plants. 50 each + shipping. USA only most payments accepted.
Japanese cultivar ooibo Yatagai x Tanenaka. Great ribs and form, seed grown. 70 shipped, 2 in. USA only most payments accepted.
Texana-rama 2.0. 4 plants 1.5 in in size 20 e or buy all 4 for 75. USA only most payments accepted.
Phat 2 in willys. 70 e shipped
Adult Albert-vojtechii 75 e shipped. USA only most payments accepted.
Huizache available
Texana-orama. 14 available plants. 1.25 in, 18 e or 3 or more for 17 each + shipping. USA only most payments accepted.
First flower of Lapeirousia oreogena
ID Plz
Buttons posting tomorrow. 1.25 , some large huizache, large texana and a couple a-v
Major poaching update - please upvote to help spread the word
Large 15 yr + old kohressi 3 available . They have amazing roots. 75 each shipped . USA only most payments accepted.
Yay!!! NFSOT
Watering tips for newbie
Limestone questions
Budget buttons. 15 available I'll choose. 12 e + shipping or 3 or more 10 e plus shipping. USA only most payments accepted. All over 1 inch.
Old hardgrown fricii cv superwhite. 70 e shipped Usa only most payments accepted
Astrophytum caput medusae 3 available, one variegated. 2 seed grown 50 each, grafted variegated 65. + shipping. USA only most payments accepted. Not a beginner plant.