Matterface's tall Latvian man's Nandos anecdote
Pure carlingsman
Labour have allegedly reached out to Gary's economics, is this a chance for real change?
Most desperate coat-tail clinging possible
Best/ worst parent interactions… would anyone like to share?
Cavity in Wisdom Tooth-options?
Opinions on “Terri Jessica Coverley”
My restaurant list of Norwich after two years living here - any recommendations you can add?
Tattoo idea
How “linesman-y” is Prince William?
The Adjudication Panel Thread: Get in touch for Tuesday's episode...
17:45 UCL knock out kick offs?
What were YOU like in school?
Why is he always Garrett Jacob Hobbs and not Garrett Hobbs?
February 27, 2025 The Football Cliches Quiz XVIII: It Was What It Was
Hire car had to be recovered by Police-next steps? klaxon
What if UK politicians will start doing this? What do you think will happen?
What supermarket price rises have YOU noticed?
The Pure England B XI 2025
What stupid lie to you tell kids to amuse yourself?
The Guardian Football Weekly Podcast staying in their lane
If a Ribblesdale Rovers player got exactly one assist in every single game they play…
Do you look at this and see a moth or butterfly?