Powerful image
Anyone else?
6 psychiatric meds 🥴
My inner world
Is this a Gatekeeper?
Been diagnosed three times. Still think this.
What meds do you recommend for someone with BPD ? (symptoms below)
Have you dissociated so badly, you didn’t feel pain?
I touched her
The charms that are lucky.
Spilled water on myself…
Every time
Weekends are for getting blazed and making food. Whipped up this breakfast pizza today. 🤤
Super paranoid I think
Genuinely think I'm a "newer" host alter who started at around 13 y/o - host
End me
What common addictions do people with BPD have?
What are some ways you knew you had bpd
I’m such a silly goose. And yes, I do need help
An ambulance went by
Do you understand? Do you understand me, sir?
I stopped jiggling his mouse on a string
Do your part punish you somatically