Rate my team and I will rate yours! (all of them are untrade exept james and I cant show zidane and theo evos witch are 89 and 94)
How to improve myself?
New rush even, not counting the X 2.0
Should i do this eto or just go for Suarez
Torn between these two
1 or 2
Question about Doumbia Evo
Struggling what to use coins for 😭got around 900k
stuck between choosing two strikers
I wish I could go back in time and knock myself out before I took Werner over McActee
Do we think there will be a winger version of the strike force evo?
To the guy who said to not complete the 99 dribbling Evo..
Let's see your last 2 fut endgame teams🤪
It's probably just me, but!
Best option for the new Evo - Strike Force
New evo opinions
Worth doing the evo on him?
It’s over
Is TOTY Roberto Carlos better than Gold Theo Hernandez?
Anyone know a good budget centre back to replace Vidic with?
help with setting team up
Ribery or Rivaldo? Anyone that has Rivaldo or used, does his physical translate well?
Choose 2
is it true that Hakimi havent got a special card in 2 years?