Box in a car trunk
Question étrange sur les voyages: pourquoi voyagez vous?
Men who perceive yourself as shy/awkward, how did you and your girl get together? :)
Do you avoid activities because you may be self conscious about your body? If so what and why? And do you think it's common among men even if that topic is never addressed?
What do you do on nights you feel lonely?
Ça fake, c'est quoi vos résolutions de 2025?
What are your personal hacks to last longer in bed?
When did you last get laid?
Nez rouge!
Salaire Vs Loyer
Which 3 are you picking?
Loto-Québec veut multiplier les mini-casinos
AIO trashed my son's room because he broke into the house
Mariage trop hâtif? (Suite, 5 mois plus tard)
Childless and unmarried men, who are you leaving your assets to when you die?
Pourquoi est-ce qu'on puni le résultat et non l'intention?
Had this in my mailbox, it was slightly visible from the outside, is it just random or does it mean something?
Question viande froide
Vous avez fait quoi le Lundi 14 Octobre?
What's the loneliest thing you've done?
Fun fact: they've actually scientifically cured hiccups. They ran a study and had a 100% cure rate and I've been using it for years now and it's worked 100% of times for me.
Comment va ta vie?
how to get over the fear of never becoming rich.
gaming isnt fun anymore wtf