Yeezus is the Winner
Prodigy - Keep it Thorough
Have you ever seen a wild hamster? If yes, then where?
Have you ever let go of something you hate about a person just be their friend or significant other?
Why can't he just stick to being funny?
What age does Ye act as really?
This timeline fcking sucks
Is it ever "righty loosey, lefty tighty" ?
I... wow
Orgasms seem kind of amazing. Not in the way that they feel, but in the sense of how the body makes them happen
Footsteps timeline
Ashwagandha Adventures
peanut butter & jelly snack packs.
Barking like a dog.
If Drake does the World Cup, what setlist would you like?
Are there any movie scenes that are kinda relatable to the ME/CFS experience?
Who are they? Wrong answers only.
Has there ever been a time in history where a clownish or obviously unfit ruler has gone on to SUCCESSFULLY lead a society or country?
What is Ye’s worst song of all time?
Attorneys reaction to Dems “protest”
Anti-Privatize rally in DC
When will we start talking about the elephant in the room?
Rewatch | Daily Discussion: Season 1 Episode 6,7 & 8
First time using stubhub for Kendrick tickets
Woke = Bad