Day 2 asking to stop saturating the invisible meme (Come on guys, you can be better than this)
This sub isn't racist. It's not over. Move on. (silently remove it)
time to move on guys
Can I play metal gear solid phantom pain without having played the games before?
What's your biggest Metal Gear hot take?
Tip for the Peace Walker torture scene
If Venom was playing MGS3
I never realized that
Peace walker Bug?
Why does Snake have a scar like The Boss?
Maybe no one remembers, but I'll try to ask anyway
The True Canon Timeline
Pathfinder 2e (original de 2019) ou Remaster (Player Core de 2023)?
The rest of the world in Horizon
Portable Ops is absent in Konami's timeline
Hi wanted to show, metal gear solid master collection, sale price in my country
Horizon Forbiden West
Metal Gear Solid 0: Death Stranding Theory
Could my ovulation day have changed and caused me to get pregnant?
Do I lose a lot by not exporting my save?
Say What You Will About Denuvo, But It Works
Need opinions of other low end pc gamers.
Have things gotten any better within Blizzard HQ? Or is it still the frat house its famous as
I got a strike on my Xbox account for posting this clip on Activity Feed